Home About Us Leadership

At Wanbury, Leadership is divided into two groups:

Focusing on annual budgets and short term objectives by the leadership team known as ‘Executive Team’ headed by the Managing Director..
Focusing on medium and long-term objectives such as vision, strategy, fund raising etc., carried out by the leadership team known as ‘Corporate Team’ headed by the Chairman’s office.

Linking and converting the strategy/vision with the financial goals is carried out by the task force headed by the MD.

The values followed by our leaders are:

Profit Enhancement Program (PEP):
PEP programs are carried out every year to improve profits, figuring out alternative routes of manufacturing products, reducing cycle times, increasing per capita productivity per person, increasing per capita per liter output, cost reduction, wastages etc. is continuously carried out by separate task force in consultation with R&D along with SBUs, Divisions, and plant heads.
Innovation/problem solving:
Is continuously encouraged in Wanbury by MECE principle (Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive) where individual ideas as well as collective wisdom are encouraged continuously for better solutions and innovations.
Challenge your boss/CEO:
Is one of the concepts being introduced very shortly in order to encourage frank and honest feedback from the subordinates/peers in the areas of styles of leadership, policies etc. thereby getting an opportunity for better performance.